Our Services
Adult Services
New Horizons serves children and adults of all ages throughout Fairfield County who are in need of mental health counseling and treatment for a variety of mental health diagnoses through the following programs.

Substance Use Disorder/Addictions Treatment Program
A specialized staff team provides individualized care including Diagnostic Assessment, Ambulatory Detoxification, Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Individual and Group Counseling, Peer Support, Care Coordination and Integrated Care.
Program for Adults with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness
Interdisciplinary treatment teams offer care of varying intensity for individuals with chronic mental health disorders. This longer-term program includes crisis intervention; diagnostic assessment; care management/health care coordination; psychiatric care and medication management; individual and group counseling/psychotherapy; dual disorders treatment for individuals with coexisting mental health and substance use disorders; crisis care management offered during evening and weekend hours; hospital diversion and hospital aftercare services; and housing supports.
Job Placement and Support
A supported employment/individualized placement and support program for adults with severe and persistent mental illness.
First Episode Psychosis
Specialized, evidence-based treatment for persons ages 15-35 experiencing their first psychotic episode.