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Welcome to New Horizons Mental Health Services

New Horizons is a non-profit community mental health organization dedicated to providing quality customer care for thousands of persons served. We strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals of all ages and backgrounds in need of mental health and wellness services. Our team of experienced and compassionate clinicians are committed to helping individuals achieve their goals and live a happier and healthier life.

More Than a Care Center.
We Are a Community.

Providing Patients With the Services They Need

New Horizons collaborates with Fairfield County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services and Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to provide a variety of mental health services that our community needs and wants.  


We believe in the Recovery Model of mental health and alcohol or other drug care.  Recovery is a journey filled with hope, personal strengths, community involvement, meaningful and satisfying personal relationships, and personal growth. Throughout treatment, clients are encouraged to take an active role in their Recovery by communicating with their clinician about their needs and wishes. 

It is our job to listen to people and work with them to provide compassionate care that addresses all of their needs.

Our Services





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Lancaster Outpatient Clinic:

2652 Kull Rd., Lancaster, OH 43130


Substance Use/Medication Assisted Treatment:

2660 Kull Rd., Lancaster, OH 43130


Crisis Center/Walk-In Clinic:

2652 Kull Road, Lancaster, OH 43130


Administration/HR/IT/Billing Inquiries:

230 N Columbus Street, Lancaster, OH 43130


Medical Records

Call us at 740-277-7011

Fax 740-687-9391




For information and appointments call:



For immediate assistane:


24-7 Crisis Information:

740-687-8255 (TALK)


Fairfield County 211

2-1-1 or 740-687-0500


Crisis TEXT: 741741


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Copyright © New Horizons Mental Health Services.

All rights reserved.

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