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Our Services

Suicide Prevention


If you or someone you know is in mental health crisis, CALL 2-1-1 immediately.

If you or someone you know has harmed themselves, CALL 9-1-1 immediately.

Signs of Suicide Program

New Horizons provides the Signs of Suicide Prevention Program (SOS) to selected Fairfield County school districts. The SOS Program is the only youth suicide prevention program that has demonstrated an improvement in students’ knowledge and adaptive attitudes about suicide risk and depression, as well as a reduction in actual suicide attempts. Listed on SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices, the SOS Program has shown a reduction in self-reported suicide attempts by 40-64% in randomized control studies (Aseltine et al., 2007 & Schilling et al., 2016).

SOS is unique among school-based suicide prevention programs as it incorporates two prominent suicide prevention strategies into a single program: an educational curriculum that raises awareness about suicide and depression, and a brief screening for depression.

The SOS Programs use a simple and easy-to-remember acronym, ACT® (Acknowledge, Care, Tell), to teach students action steps to take if they encounter a situation that requires help from a trusted adult. SOS is offered for both middle and high school aged youth and can be implemented in one class period. 

New Horizons is able to offer this program because of the generous support of United Way and the ADAMH Board, as well as contractual support from the school districts.

Warning Signs and Symptoms 

If you are concerned about someone's well-being, then watch for these signs:

  • Talking about suicide, death, or preoccupation with dying

  • Trouble eating or sleeping (sleeping all the time, unable to sleep at all, not able to eat or overeating)

  • Significant changes in behavior and/or personality

  • Withdrawing from family and friends

  • Loss of interest in activities, work, school, hobbies, or social interactions

  • Giving away prized possessions

  • Previous suicide attempts

  • Increased drug and/or alcohol use

  • Statements about hopelessness or worthlessness

  • Taking unnecessary risks

  • Sudden happiness or calmness following a depressed mood

  • A preoccupation with items that could cause harm (guns, knives, hanging materials, pills, etc.)

  • Problems in school or work performance

  • Chronic pain or frequent complaints of physical symptoms

  • An inability to concentrate, trouble remembering things

  • Feeling strong anger or rage

  • Calling or visiting people to say goodbye

  • Feeling trapped - like there is no way out


Mental illness becomes a fatal illness when it leads to someone taking their own life. Suicide is now the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. Every 29 seconds someone attempts suicide and every 13 minutes someone dies from it. That's nearly 40,000 tragic deaths per year.​

Suicide occurs in males and females of all ages, races, and religions. It occurs in all cultures and in all countries. No one is immune. But, 75% of suicidal individuals show warning signs.

Take any warning sign seriously!​​​

24-7 Crisis Information:

Fairfield County 211

2-1-1 or 740-687-0500

Crisis TEXT: 741741

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Our MRSS/Mobile Crisis Team s work closely with children and adults who are experiencing a cris is or simply need to talk. We are commun ity based and will trav e l within Fairfield County to a person in need. Th is may be a home, school, hosp ital or other mutually agreed upon location. Our goal is to listen, to identify how to resolve the crisis, and help you regain a sense of control.

Download our Mobile Crisis/MRSS brochure here.

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Lancaster Outpatient Clinic:

2652 Kull Rd., Lancaster, OH 43130


Substance Use/Medication Assisted Treatment:

2660 Kull Rd., Lancaster, OH 43130


Crisis Center/Walk-In Clinic:

2652 Kull Road, Lancaster, OH 43130


Administration/HR/IT/Billing Inquiries:

230 N Columbus Street, Lancaster, OH 43130


Medical Records

Call us at 740-277-7011

Fax 740-687-9391




For information and appointments call:



For immediate assistane:


24-7 Crisis Information:

740-687-8255 (TALK)


Fairfield County 211

2-1-1 or 740-687-0500


Crisis TEXT: 741741


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Copyright © New Horizons Mental Health Services.

All rights reserved.

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