Our Services
Early Childhood Services
New Horizons serves children and adults of all ages throughout Fairfield County who are in need of mental health counseling and treatment for a variety of mental health diagnoses through the following programs.
Early Childhood Mental Health Program
Therapists who specialize in early childhood care provide on-going consultation to Head Start and public pre-school programs. They also provide seamless diagnoses assessments and specialized, short-term family therapy for pre-school children and families who have identified needs.
Early Intervention Program - Elementary Schools
Consultation to elementary educators; screening of individuals children; on-going, in-school supportive services; consultation to parents, and referral and linkage of families to appropriate services.
Students K-12
Licensed child and family therapists provide school-based child and family psychotherapy, including home-based family counseling/psychotherapy.
Early Intervention - Secondary Schools: Signs of Suicide
A mental health education and depression screening program for the general student population and for at-risk youth, is offered in several Fairfield County school districts; including in-school mental health education, screenings, parental consultations, referral and linkage, and case management.
Intersystem Consultation Program
New Horizons clinicians and clinical managers provide regular, on-going consultation to: The Children’s Committee and the Multi-System Youth Committees of the Fairfield County Family, Adult and Children First Council; and Harcum House staff for childhood victims of sexual and physical abuse and trauma.